
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Dogs on the Furniture

Shiner is allowed on the furniture and I know that she wouldn't have it any other way. I usually say "carpet" if I want her to get down from the couch or the bed. Sometimes she listens since she's a pretty stubborn dog. Her favorite place on the couch is on top of the arm or the very back on top of all the pillows. It's a little odd since she's a 55 lb. pit bull.

The other day, I caught her in a strange place - the end table that sits next to the couch. My dad has been doing some construction on our bathrooms and has been going in and out of this door bringing in tools and materials. I guess she wanted to see what was going on. Silly dog!

Does your pet like to get on the furniture?

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


  1. An open door. Boy are you lucky. We send you happy Wednesday wishes.

  2. We used to let our girl Cali sit on the furniture, she then had incontinence problems which ruined the fabric...then she decided to eat the seat... and chair.

    She is not allowed on furniture anymore, and she KNOWS that. When you arn't looking she crawls onto the couch. Thankfully no more incontinence!

    1. Well, glad you were able to fix both of those problems!

  3. I am very spoiled and am allowed on the furniture whenever I want. I don't shed and I am not a chewer so Mommy gave in. Besides she likes when I snuggle with her.

    Loveys Sasha

    1. Awesome Sasha, I bet you give great cuddles!

  4. What? Is there any other place to sit? ;-)

    Couches, benches, beds...the perfect nap spots! The only things I can't go on are tables cause Domerk says that they aren't for sitting!

    I love Shiner's hang out spots too!

    1. According to Shiner, the floor isn't really an option lol. Unless there is a sun puddle on it.

  5. Shiner you got a great snooze place there. We love your kitty impersonation. We just got everywhere afterall it is our pad. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Well, with Cody, that's a no-brainer...he's a CAT...Dakota recently started within the past month, sleeping on the couch. I have no problem with it. I love to see him sleeping there :)

  7. Love the table shot! yes our spoiled crew get to go on the furniture. Sometimes I regret this choice, but usually I do not! Hailey thinks the bed is hers and she is kind enough to share it with us! [Phod sleeps on the floor].

    1. Lol this made me laugh... Shiner also thinks the bed is hers.

  8. When we had bigger dogs, we tried to train them to stay off the furniture. In reality all we did was train them to hop on when we weren't looking!

  9. We have dogs on the furniture, all the time. :-) The little ones like to perch on top. Happy WW.

  10. Roxy is never on the floor, and Torrey prefers the chair, is no one is in it.

  11. LOL Aw, how cute. Yes, Simba definitely gets on the chairs and bed. I tell him to go lay down if I don't want him on the chair or bed and he knows to go lay on his doggie bed or on the floor.

  12. My spot is the high back of the couch, so I can see all. I have never sat on the end table, but I know a few dogs that do (and now I know one more - BOL).

  13. Shiner looks so comfy on that sofa arm - no wonder it's her fave spot. And hey, she's a smart one to figure out that table gives her a great view! What a goof :)

  14. I never really thought my whole leather couches + foster dogs through all the way. Sometimes we remember to cover the couch with blankets, realistically we're just waiting until our next move to get more appropriate furniture, lol.

  15. Absolutely Ann! My Titan has full run of the house. He has made my living room, his "cave" He's OWNED every piece of furniture in there and in our bedroom. :) He has his own bed, at the bottom of ours, and will move between the two as he likes. He also loves to lounge on the couch while I'm watching tv. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  16. I do it - it's not allowed - but it's no skin off my nose ;o)

  17. Sage generally is in her condo in the cat tree, but I've found her draped over the back of the couch looking out the window.

  18. Shiner, you are very funny! You look very comfy on the couch. Perched on the table, your picture made me laugh. My boys like couches and beds. The younger one tried going on a table once, but the older one scolded him, lol.

  19. That just looks way to comfy to even think about getting down!

  20. They've always been welcome, but it took Katy a while to want to experiment with furniture.

  21. I think she thinks she's a cat! I'm not allowed on the furniture, but they do get down on the floor for a cuddle with me.

  22. Shiner, you sure look comfy on that sofa. And the picture of you on the end table made us smile real big! :)

    We only have cats here, and they pretty much "own" the furniture ... sometimes us humans get lucky, and manage to squeeze in on the sofa. LOL!

  23. Cupcake is allowed on the furniture. She has to wait at bedtime to be invited onto the bed, though. I thought she looked pretty ridiculous walking on the end table as if it's the floor, but Shiner looks even more ridiculous because of her size. Hilarious!

  24. Oh my gosh, that is tooo cute! I'm the newest follower of your blog from Blog Paws Worldless Wednesday! Would love if you could stop by mine <^..^>

    The Three Whiskateers

  25. Elka loves to get on the furniture! She's allowed implicitly, though human seats do take priority.

  26. You bet, all my pets like to sit on the furniture, and on ME!! Even though I make them all beautiful, soft pet beds. But I can't complain, because they all use the pet beds too. They all have the run of the place, just certain rooms off limits when I am not home. My dog Gracie is such a sweet, smart girl than when we say "excuse me" she knows she has to give up her seat on the sofa for one of us, and find another resting spot.

  27. Gracie and Benjamin Bunny especially love to sit on the top of the back of the couch. They have done it so much it has conformed to their shapes.

  28. In the summer I won't go near the sofa, but now it's colder its nice to snuggle up between mummy and daddy:-)

  29. Ha, that's very funny! They find their own places :-)

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  30. Of course we sit on the furniture, silly question. But nowadays, I have arthritis pretty bad so it is hard for me to get up and down. Besides, the cats occupy the chairs most of the time. Glad Shiner gets to sit on the sofa and even the end table. LOL

  31. Shiner is just sooo cute! I get to go on the couch too :) Sometimes I can even go on the bed, but I have to wait until mom or dad says it is okay.

  32. awww...Shiner just wants to hang out and go baby
