Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fall in Texas

It usually doesn't get very cold in Texas during the Fall and Winter seasons. In fact, last year at this time it was really hot. I don't think we even had a proper winter last year. But, this year seems pretty normal so far and we've had some nice cool weather already.

Of course, the leaves are making their way off the trees but they are still there. I decided to play around with my camera again this week and take some photos of what Fall is like so far here in Texas.

I don't know what type of bush or tree this is, but it's located behind my bedroom window. It's one of the most colorful pieces of foliage I've seen right now on my property. I am trying to master the close-up photo option on my camera and I am pleased with the results I got this time.

One of the flowers in my garden that I planted in the spring. It's called Angelonia. Yes, I do still have lots of blooming flowers!

My daughter planted these mums last year and they have just recently come up and started blooming again this year. I like the way the tips of the petals are a dark maroon color.

See what I mean about the trees still having leaves on them? This is what the far side of my fence looks like. There is some pretty red in there, but I think that is just poison ivy. That stuff is thriving over there.

And since this blog is "dedicated to all things animal", I've got to include some sort of creature. I found this longhorn guy chillin' in his field behind my house. Don't worry, I'm on the other side of the fence and he's pretty far away. There's another one that lives back there too, but I didn't see him.

Hope you enjoyed the photos! Has Fall or Winter visited your part of the world yet? I've already seen lots of pictures with snow - can't believe it!

Update: I prepared this post a few days early... remember that cute little baby girl I wrote about over the weekend? Well, she broke my brand new camera I got for my birthday. The lens is stuck, so if anyone knows how to fix it please share! And my laptop is also now broken... well, just the screen anyways. She broke that the night before my camera... :(

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  1. Beautiful pictures- Texas enjoys some wonderful autumnal colours. I LOVE the picture of the longhorn guy! You can tell he's a boss :)

  2. The photographs are pretty. We've had a little snow, but it disappeared very quickly. Today we have a beautiful blue sky!

  3. I wish I could visit Texas once, my dad says it is fabulous and when I see your pictures I think, he's right :o) Sorry to hear about the cam and the laptop. I only found a video for the lense, maybe it helps :

    1. Thanks Easy. I have watched some videos, but will have to look at this one later.

  4. Oh no. sorry to hear about all the breakage. Nice pictures! Hope you get your stuff fixed.

    1. The laptop will get fixed, but idk about the camera...

  5. I wish I could pay a visit! Beautiful indeed!

  6. Nice shots. Too bad about the camera and stuff. She must be a sneaky busy body. What kind of camera? Does the lens fold into itself when you shut it off? If it's that type of camera you can generally wiggle them around enough to get them to go back in.

    1. LOL... you describe her perfectly. I I can't keep anything on my dresser anymore because she just won't quit getting up there no matter what I do :( It's a Nikon coolpix. The lens does do what you describe I think. I tried wiggling it some, but am afraid to break it more... if that's possible...

  7. It is nice to have a peak at flowers and greenery. In the Northeast, we've already entered winter foliage, and on a recent walk, I was remarking how it's nice to see the pine trees because all of the other trees have already lost their leaves.

  8. Beautiful pics. So sorry to hear about your camera. It might be something really simply. Mummy managed to press a button which made every pic blurry. Took her ages to figure it out, but it was literary the flick of a switch which sorted it out. Maybe its the same for yours?

    1. I hope so Misaki... I've tried messing around with it a little bit, but no luck so far.

  9. Just beautiful photo's. Oh No, not the camera :( xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. Gorgeous colors! We have some great colors up the canyon here in Utah too.
    Our WW entry is here:

  11. shiner...we loves theez pick sure N we due knot blame ewe...N noe bull, we wood stay a way frum that bull two !!! may bee de tree iz a tinee toe mato growin tree !! ??? N de food service gurl wants ta noe if de leeves on de yellow flowers iz trooly that bloo or is it howthey be lookin....they wood bee grate in de gardinz up heer !!

    1. I didn't edit these photos any so I guess they are that blue. But those leaves go to a different flower that isn't pictured there. It's a long purple flower but I can't remember the name.

  12. Pretty pictures! It is fall here in Oklahoma too. The trees are beautiful!

  13. Lovely pictures! :) Us Miami folk also got plenty of green trees. Sorry about your camera and laptop :(

  14. Such beautiful colours. That longhorn chap looks pretty scary... for us, that fence could ever be far enough away!

    1. I don't notice him most of the time :) But he was looking at me a little bit.

  15. Beautiful! I have never been to Texas before but by the looks of it, it looks like a lovely place!! Fall is starting to kick in over here in Rome too (finally)! The weather is starting to get nice, and chilly just how I like it! I'm so sorry about your camera being broken! I hope you can find a way to get it fixed. Have a great week! Hugs, Francesca

    1. It's a pretty cool place :) A very big place too! I saw your post earlier today on my phone, but wasn't able to comment. Stay warm Joker!

  16. Very pretty, mom lived in San Antonio for a number of years, so we enjoyed these! Love Dolly

    1. Oh really? That's cool! Hope she enjoyed it there.

  17. Those pictures are gorgeous!

    Christie Zizo from

  18. What a wonderful country life you are enjoying!!!

    1. Sort of! In the past few years, subdivisions have been built up all around us so we are kin of circled by them. And wal-mart is also less than 5 minutes away which I still can't believe...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Even though it is technically still only Fall, here in TN it seems like Winter wants to pay an early visit. I've got a few pictures of some of the Fall color before it all disappeared, on one of my older posts (WW#3). As for the camera, I also have a Nikon CoolPix, what model? If it's similar model to mine I may be able to help. Model number will be a set of 4-8 alpha-numeric characters, either on the bottom by the battery or on the top by the power button, it may also be by the lens/shutter.

    1. Hmm going to have to look at it. I want to say something like S 3500 or something like that but I'm sure that's completely wrong!

  21. So pretty! We're going in to summer, which is nice. We sure love the sunpuddles (but not always the heat. That part we don't love)

    1. Oh yes, I remember how you guys like to sit in front of your fan during summer!

  22. My human has also noticed the fall colors everywhere! It's a little different from the north east, but the humans enjoy the cool weather ;-) My human has planned to go take some pictures this weekend for her own blog, if it is not raining! Otherwise she'll have to stay with us ;-) She said a cold front was coming.
    Your pictures are really beautiful! She shared your post on her FB page =^.^=

    1. Well, from the way my dad is describing what the weekend will be like it doesn't sound good... but you are from a much colder place! You are probably more used to it than me lol... Thank you for sharing!

  23. I thought I left a comment earlier, but it seems to have disappeared! Now what did I say? :)
    Oh yes, what beautiful photos! It is so pretty there. We are in between the pretty fall foliage and the white snow which will brighten things up. It's just so drab and dreary here in the Northeast this time of year.
    I guess your beautiful baby isn't so good with technology yet, huh? Someday instead of breaking things she'll be showing you how to use them! :)

  24. Yep, I remember the trees being green for most of the year when I lived in Texas. Sometimes they turned brown in the summer. I like how the trees turn color where now live here in Kansas. But I sure miss those Texas wildflowers!

  25. Beautiful pics Ann. Love the colors!


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