Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Humans and Their Cameras...

I was able to dig up some old pictures of pets. Here's a couple of snapshots of Kitty Kitty Meow Meow. I imagine she was thinking something along these lines... 

"Excuse me human, but that flash is too bright. I'm not in the mood for pictures right now."

"*Sigh* You aren't listening... Humans and their cameras..."

I want to take just a minute to thank all the very kind people who have passed blog awards to me. I have added them all to my Awards page at the top of this site. Thank you to the following blogs for giving me an award in the last few weeks - I really do appreciate it! And I certainly hope that I have not forgotten anyone! 

Thank you to BlogPaws for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! 


  1. I love Kitty Meow's name!! :-D Hehehe, most of the photos that are taken in my house look exactly like those too! Sometimes us pups and kittens just don't dig the flashy box!! Happy Wednesday!

    1. Secretly, I don't think she really cared lol. She never ran from it or anything. Thanks for the compliment on her name - I can't take credit for it haha! That's all my brother's doing.

  2. Yes that flashy beast is everywhere. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I think the camera is attached to Mom's hand. Cute or funny-looking, naughty or nice, it's always the camera first! I definitely feel ya, KKMM.

    Love and licks,

  4. I believe I've seen that expression before... ;-) Wrigs doesn't like having a camera pointed at him, even when I don't use the flash.

    Digital cameras have made us even more annoying to our animal pals. I have relatively few photos from the days of film, but thousands since we went digital. It's kind of crazy! I should probably select some favorites and have prints made just in case something happens to the electronic files.

    Susan and Wrigs

    1. It is pretty weird. And for some reason I have way less hard copies of pictures in albums and things. Even with 2 kids. Well, I have a lot of prints from when my first daughter was younger but not for the newest daughter. I couldn't even find photo albums at wal-mart a few months ago!

  5. Concatulations on the awards....didn't I tell ya they would become rather cumbersome? (wink)

    1. Lol - I did believe you! I appreciate them but sometimes they are overwhelming. I think I received 3 of the same one in one day! Phew... lots to keep up with...

  6. I hate'z that flashy fing..Humom had it out diz morning, when I waz trying to take a nap'z if youz don't mind.. Big Congrats on the award :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. We like to take pictures of you guys when you're sleeping because it's easier! Lol

  7. We sure recognize the stink eye when we see it as we are champions at giving it. Why do the humans think that everything we do requires being recorded for posterity? Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

    1. Thanks for stopping by guys - will have to go and give you a visit!

  8. Woof! Woof! Cats cen be hard to be photograph and can be really silly. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  9. ...oh this pawparazzis... I agree... humans and their cameras :o)

  10. Mom is ALWAY'S taking our picture....[[sigh]]

  11. Oh yes, well we know the aggravation of the famed Flashy Box!

  12. Doesn't it feel good to get awards? Of course you deserve them...Kitty doesn't look thrilled, but more like he's tolerating the foolishness of hoomins

    1. She was a very tolerant kitty! Thank you Gizmo!

  13. Um, we are a little crazy with our cameras! ;)

  14. Those are some cute pictures. Congrats on the awards!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  15. Oh yes, she was thinking that and then some!

  16. Aw, she certainly does not look excited about the photo shoot! My kitties make those faces too, but I think they secretly enjoy the attention :)

  17. Congrats on the awards. Great way to acknowledge them. A lot of us don't like that camera deal either. We just go running. Have a great day.

  18. Congratulations on your awards!

  19. Aww kitties are sooo adorable! I totally miss having one around :( Congrats on the awards! Well deserved!

    1. I also miss having one around. I don't know when I will get another one but I hope it's soon! They always seem to find their way to me when they are ready!

  20. Congratulations on your awards, that flashy thing can be annoying.


  21. haha I love the name kitty kitty meow meow! I love your new layout, it is so pretty!

    1. Lol it was such a silly name... thanks Leah - the layout is still the same but with some slightly different fonts and I took the pages bar background color out. But I did change my header... again... but I love it!

  22. kitty...thatz de best stink eye we haz seen in a loooooong time !!!!!! :)

  23. ConCATS on your awards! It's funny, but Moosey hams it up for the camera. Sammy, however, hates it. :)

  24. Concats on the awards! LOL at Caren's comment!! I am kind of stock-piling them at the moment and really need to do a post, but being of a certain age, I forget where they came from … and then there are the rules!!!! lolol

  25. Oh, that's a model that's not into the photo shoot! Good idea to put the awards on a new page. Congrats on the awards!

  26. Congrats on the award! Happy WW. Our human always has camera nearby :-)

  27. Looks like you are really testing her patience! I like the updated look of your blog :-)

  28. I don't like the flashy box either. I turn my head or just run away. She's got the right idea.

  29. LOL those captions definitely fit the pictures

  30. congrats on the awards, but she isn't very happy


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