Saturday, October 12, 2013

Check Out Those Tocks! It's Tock-tober

This month at the Tabby Cat Club, all the kitties are showing off their tocks for Tock-tober. What's a tock you ask? Well, according to the Urban Dictionary "tocks" are slang for buttocks. I've enjoyed looking at all the other kitty's tocks so far this month. Honey Delite also wanted to have a chance to show off her own cute little tocks. 

First up is the stretching tock shot. It's always important to stretch your tocks before a photo shoot of this nature. 

Check out my fluffy tail
Saunter away slowly to your food bowl. This will give your human the best view of your tocks. And you might get some food if you're really cute.

The purrfect tock shot. 

And of course - don't be shy! 

Photo shoot over now! 

We hope you enjoyed our Tock-tober photos. If you'd like to see some more cute cat tocks, stop by the Tabby Cat Club. And if you're a tabby cat but haven't yet joined the club, stop by and sign up! It's lots of fun. 

Happy Tock-tober!


  1. Your cat is gorgeous! Cute "tocks"!

  2. Sammy has never shown off or shared his tocks....perhaps I need to do something about that! We just joined the Tabby Cat Club this past week...finally! Honey Delite is a gorgeous kitty...woo hoo!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    1. Well, welcome to the club! Honey is relatively new there as well.

  3. Ha ha...such cute photos, Ann, and good idea! I had never heard the term "tocks" but I know my cats are more than willing to give me plenty of chances to photograph theirs!

  4. Honey Delite, your tocks are the very best. You are such a pretty girl. Hope you have a great day. Take care.

  5. Oh my goodness! That is a drop dead gorgeous cat! I love her!!!

  6. Oh cute!!!! And I learned a new word.

  7. Have a super Saturday and a great tock-tober.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. those sure are some cute tocks! Happy Tock-Tober to you too!

  9. My kitties won't show off their tocks to me...I just don't know why??? Happy tock-tober to you!!

  10. I'm glad you shared your tocks! They're really nice =^.^=

  11. Happy Tock-tober..on the tocks... Pawkiss :)

  12. Great Tocks fur sure...tis the season!

  13. Very nice Tocks! I have to post mine soon. What a floofy tail.

  14. LOL! I'd never heard of tocks before. I'll have to clue Skeeter in to this :-)

  15. Honey Delite your tocks are super cute!!! Btw love your fluffy tail!!!

  16. We love both showing off and looking over all the wonderfur Tocks during TockTober

  17. Some very nice Orange Tocks! The best kiind


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