Monday, October 21, 2013

Dog Poop Poetry Contest for #ScoopThatPoop

As a co-host and team member of the #ScoopThatPoop campaign, I invite you to join along in today's blog hop and read some good ol' dog poop poetry. I am joining Golden Woofs, My GBGV Life, Oz the Terrier, The World According to Garth Riley, The Lazy Pit Bull, and Dogster in the campaign to raise awareness about the importance of scooping your dog's poop.

What better way to talk about poop than with a little bit of poetry? And, there are prizes to be won as well.

So truthfully, I don't consider myself a poet and I don't think I have ever published a poem on this blog yet. But, I'm willing to give it a try so here goes nothing!

If your hound
Poops on the ground, 
Scoop that poop!
Don't leave it laying around!

Dog poop stinks,
and pollutes the water we drink.
Dog poop is not fertilizer,
It's a big brown toxic geyser!

Alas! Do not despair,
you can show mother earth that you care
by bringing along a poop bag.
That's sure to make your dog's tail wag!

Snap, snap, snap. OK... now I think I know why I never write poetry! I should leave that up to my buddy Oz... I'm just glad I was able to find a word that rhymes with fertilizer. 

The point is, as dog parents we have a responsibility to pick up your dog's poop. Dog poop is harmful to the environment and pollutes our drinking water. In fact, the city that I live in - Austin, TX -  is having some water quality issues at the moment. One of the causes of the problem is dog owners who don't pick up after their dog. You can read more about it here

As part of this month's #ScoopThatPoop Campaign, Earth Rated PoopBags is providing pawsome prizes to assist in your poop scooping. They are sponsoring this event with their dog poop bags, a bag dispenser, and other goodies. If you are a blogger, join the #ScoopThatPoop Blog Hop with your own dog poop poetry. 

If you are a blog reader, feel free to leave your poem in the comment section below. Alternatively, you can share the poem with us on Facebook. Just as long as we receive your poem, you'll be judged in the dog poop poetry contest. Visit Golden Woofs for more information regarding the giveaway. 

You can continue to follow the #ScoopThatPoop campaign on Twitter. And remember - be responsible and scoop that poop!


  1. Nice one! Bravo we say. Scooping the poop is so important and we always do. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I think you should put your poem to music!

  3. Great poem! I think you're a poet after all :-)

  4. That's true, a toxic geyser LOL. I love your poo-em, it's great!!!!

    1. Hehe poo-em! That's a good one, too bad I didn't think of it :)

  5. We don't know, we think you are a poet after all!

  6. Good job on the poem. I wouldn't know how to start to write one!

  7. Now Miss Ann...I give you *jumping high paws* for a well done poem! And I cannot believe you found a word to rhyme with fertilizer...great dawg, that was a hard one.
    *Cairn cuddles*

    1. Well Oz, my secret is that I used a rhyming tool that I found via Google... BOL

  8. OK, so I don't know anything of this subject since I'm a cat, but I would just like to say hi, thank you for following and say that I just love love love your blogs design!

  9. Great poem, we missed out on this one but we always Scoop n Poop or Poop n Scoop Bawahahhwhha xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. I am blown away by the number of people who don't pick up after their dogs; especially when they poop in the middle of the trail. Glad that I do; since we have 3 dogs, I have to do my part.

  11. I thought your poem was just fine!!

  12. It has been an exciting morning reading everyone's poems!!! Yours was wonderful!!!

  13. We think your poem is great!

    P.S. We nominated you guys for an award.

    1. Oh thank you Jenn - I will stop by to pick it up today! :)

  14. PAWsome, as a first timer. We think alike as your first verse is similar to ours. Golden Thanks for being our Fellow Poop Scooper, #ScoopThatPoop. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  15. Great post, great poem. Poems are so hard for us to write, you really appreciate them more if you have tried yourself!

  16. "big brown toxic geyser" - LOL! I love that line Ann...Water quality is key around here...I live on a lake that is part of the water supply...The city has put up 8 poop bag stations around the 3 mile lake path and there's at least that many additional trash cans...Hundreds of dogs are walked there every day, yet you hardly ever find unscooped poop...The message is being heard

    1. That's awesome Beth! I think that the problem here is mostly not from dogs, but they make up a small portion of the problem. Austin has a large population of homeless people who live in that area, and I guess the homeless are not scooping their poop... kinda gross, huh? The city is supposed to be building some public restrooms that way for them.

  17. Lame, but hey! We're bored so we tried! Too bad Dr. Seuss invaded it all.

    A public service announcement from Vlad & Barkly:

    The Safety of Indigenous Child-Life

    Guarding Child-life is an important, primary job,
    They're a main concern of working & herding dogs.

    The one thing we just can't protect them from,
    Is that dark product that escapes from our bums.

    Solid or runny, it doesn't matter,
    It's absolutely a biological hazard.

    E. Coli and Coliform will kill the children we guard,
    If adults aren't responsible and pick up their yards.

    Children can have parasites invade them too,
    If they play in a yard with infected poo.

    Childhood memories of lakes, rivers and creeks,
    Become poisoned thoughts if adults are lazy and weak.

    So protect the children we love in an area we can't,
    Pick up our poo for us, and don't say you shan't.

    If you don't and children get sick, or worse, die,
    Don't act surprised, because we just told you why.

  18. Mom can't do poetry at all but good job! Love Dolly

  19. A rhyming poop haiku 5/7/5 :)

    Dog poop is quite gross
    Scoop That Poop promptly, or bid
    Friendships adios

  20. Hi Ann you're a poet and you didn't know it, great job.


  21. shiner...frank lee thiz bee sum pawsum poop prose !!!

  22. Not many of the peeps in this building scoop the poop. In fact, I saw one let his dog climb into a planter to go. I may come back with a poem.

    1. Dude, CK - you totally should! Then if you win, you can get TW and Pops to hand out those bags to the poop-itrators!

  23. That's an awesome poem! You're the first person EVER to find something that rhymes with fertilizer! Way to go! And thanks for participating and scooping!!!


    1. Hey Garth, thanks! I don't think I'm the first person ever unfortunately. I did use the online rhyme finder, so technically, they found it before me lol

  24. Its so annoying whne I have to scoop dog poop from my yard and I don;t even have a dog!

    I saw you had problems copying & pasting. I copy then click on HTML instead of Compose and paste it in there. You can then click on Compose and edit it as needed. I hope that helps! If I paste into Compose, the whole thing shows up in a white box, but because my background is black, I use HTML to get rid of the box.

    1. I think that would bug me even more if I didn't have a dog! I figured out the problem... it was my computer. It actually wasn't letting me paste anywhere! I restarted and things were better. Blogger isn't so great about copying/pasting from Word though. The formatting does get a bit messed up.

  25. Hahaha at least your poem rhymed! I don't think I have the creativity to write a whole rhyming poem about picking up dog poop :P

  26. Good poem!!! I never try any poem because that rhythm thing!!!
    By the way, is the non-rhythm poems allowed in current English literature??

    1. Sure - poems don't have to rhyme Agnes :) They can be anything you want them to be really.

  27. Great poem! "Big brown toxic geyser!" Very effective at getting the grossness across, lol. Oh boy, I read that article and how it mentioned the runoff problems with not only dog poop, but poop of homeless people... seriously, seriously gross. I don't know what that never occurred to me. We have a reasonable number of homeless people here, but I always assumed that they probably just used the restroom at the homeless shelters, or convenience stores, or wherever they could manage to get in. But yeah, I suppose they're just going to go outside sometimes. That bothers me WAY more than dog poop, and I don't know why.

    1. I was going to expand on the geyser but decided not to lol... I'm sure that convenience stores and other public places are prohibiting these homeless people from using their restrooms. Otherwise, it would probably become an issue for their business. Just assuming anyways. I think it bothers me more than dog poop too. But like you, I don't have a great reason why! I wonder if any of these people scoop their own poop?

  28. Great job! It's craptastic! :D

  29. Poetry about poop. How fantastic!

  30. You found a rhyme for fertilizer! Pretty awesome if you ask me!

  31. Cute poem. I think you did a good job. When I heard poetry was involved, I didn't even try.

    1. Thanks! I was scratching my head for a while with it.

  32. Poop left on the ground/ attracts ants, bugs, and rodents/ so pick it up please!

    1. Thanks for joining Rumpy! Your poem was great.


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