Wednesday, November 6, 2013

5 Instagram Favorites

I take a few pictures on my phone that I share on Instagram. (Which, by the way, you should totally follow me over there.) Sometimes, that's the only place I'll post them so I thought I'd share a few of my recent favorites here today for Wordless Wednesday. 

This kitten was on a t-shirt I saw while out shopping. I immediately thought that our friend Cathy Keisha, ghetto kitteh extraordinaire, must know him from her hood. 

No pets in this photo, just flowers. I have tons of flowers at my house, so of course I'm gonna take pictures of them. These are mums. 

My daughter messed up the house one night and Shiner was there helping. She shredded this plastic toy dog's head all over the carpet. 

 It's Nibblet! Here she is out and about having a quick grooming session. I caught her sticking her head under the running sink faucet the other day. 

What rat doesn't love some good scratches from their human girl? Nibblet can sit in your lap for the longest time for scratches. She loves it! 

Happy Wordless Wednesday! 

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  1. Hey, I've seen these pictures before :)

  2. Very funny and lovely photos! Who shredded that plastic dog toy's head? Shiner, your daughter or Nibblet? BOL!

  3. At first I freaked because I thought "how have I missed following you on Instagram." Then I realized that I do follow you but I didn't see these... Things have been kind if busy around here... Glad you shared them again! :)

    1. Same here Bethany... I don't post on IG a ton, but every now and then when I'm thinking of it. I know I don't see every photo that my IG friends post either.

  4. BOL funny Shiner with the plastic headless dog. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. That's a super shirt!!! No wonder that the plastic doggy lost his head with joy :o)

  6. Love the cat on the shirt. Great pics all of them.

  7. Golden LOVE instagram. We are @goldenwoofs. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
    BTW: did you get our Monday email. just waiting for your response :-) Golden Woofs

  8. Nibblet is adorable! I could have sworn I was already following you on Instagram. I am now!

    1. I thought so too. Oh well, it's so hard to keep up with everyone everywhere sometimes!

  9. Love that headless toy photo. I joined Instagram the other day... but then didn't do anything w/ it. I have a hard enough time keeping up with Fbk, Twitter and all the blogs! :)

    1. Same here Jackie. I'll usually go a few days without posting anything on IG, but it's OK when I can remember to share stuff there.

  10. Fun pictures-Have a great Wordless Wednesday!

  11. Thanks for sharing! Heading over to check out your Instagram now :)

  12. Great photos! I'm not on Instagram (yet), I can't keep up with everything else at this point, but hopefully someday!

  13. No way TW is doing Instagram. We can't keep up with all the Social Media sites we do follow. Sorry about that. I may know that ghetto cat. MOL!

    1. That's OK CK! It's definitely hard to keep up with everything!

  14. The Staff plays at Instagram, but keeps forgetting about it MOL As CK says, there are so many social networking sites to negotiate!!

  15. So cute! Nibblet shure does seem to enjoy the cuddles!! Lots of hugs, Francesca

  16. Fabulous pictures! I have Instagram, but have been horrible with keeping up with it this week. :)

    1. I know what you mean. I can go a few days without posting anything! It is harder to keep up with for me.


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