Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Snack Time!

Snack time for Nibblet! She's munching on a CranApple Orange Cruncher from Sam's Yams. Yes, it's a dog treat but she loves them too! 

Speaking of Sam's Yams, did you know we are giving away a HUGE prize package of their dog chews right now? Just click here to read our review and enter the giveaway! Today is the last day!

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting today's Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


  1. Enjoy your nibbles Nibblet. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. A Nibblet-post, how great! Do you really like dog treats, Nibblet? Hope Shiner will share her treats with you :o)

    1. These dog treats were pretty fruity! But yes, she tries almost all of Shiner's treats too.

  3. Hope Shiner doesn't nibble on the Nibblet and the treat!

  4. He's definitely enjoying that! Love Dolly

  5. She sure is enjoying her treat! Looks yummy!!!

  6. I just entered the give-away. Nibblet convinced me that Bittle, my dog, and her rat mischief would like a chance at some yummies. Bittle expects to get a treat every time an individual rat gets a yummie. Geez, it's like she expects to get 75 times as much treats since she weighs 75 pounds and they all weigh less than a pound. And, you should see her upset face if the rats get to lick a bowl before she can lick it. So, we try to have treats that the dog and the rats can share. Sweet potato is a favorite of both Bittle and the rats, so all will enjoy if they win.

    1. I know the feeling! When I feed Nibblet, Shiner wonders where her food is and follows me around expecting something too.

  7. That looks really yummy Niblet! You are such a cutie. :)

  8. So cute! Nom, nom, nom. Thanks for the reminder to enter!

  9. That looks pretty tasty, Nibblet! And YOU, sweet girl, are looking adorable (as always). :)

  10. Looks like Nibblet is enjoying that treat! :) I sometimes give dog treats to the cats and cat treats to Nailah XD

  11. Nibblet loos like she is enjoying that treat. Our guinea pig , Cinnamon, loves Zukes treats. He likes the berry the best.
    Happy Wednesday

  12. So cute, gotta love dual purpose goodies!

  13. Love seeing Nibblet enjoy treat time,xx Rachel

  14. Maybe he wants to be as big as dog ;)
    Great photo

  15. yum yum! you don't have to be a dog to enjoy dog treats!

  16. Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats have nominated you for the Field of Flowers Award. View our post and see why we nominated you and six others.


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