Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June is National Rose Month

This past weekend, we spent some time at my grandparent's house for Father's Day. They have a gorgeous backyard which was perfect for taking photos. And having green thumbs, they have some gorgeous roses too. June is National Rose Month so I thought I'd share some of my rose and garden photos from the weekend for Wordless Wednesday.

In the top photo you might notice some train tracks. There is a little train that runs around the yard. And of course, Bear the Shetland Sheepdog is included. He's so handsome! Happy Wednesday everyone!


  1. Beautiful photos. They are gorgeous roses.

  2. Oh! LOVE roses. We have a rose garden but 3 of them is not doing well this year. LOVE the peachy color. Happy Wednesday. Golden Woofs

    1. My miniature rose isn't doing well this year either. All the leaves fell off of it =/ They seem to be growing back now though.

  3. How beautiful. I love the idea of a train garden.

    We have wild roses growing alongside one of the trails we walk. The fragrance is amazing. I'll miss them when they finally fade.

    1. My grandfather and father are kind of train fanatics. You should see the miniature train city my dad has built in our little office building... it's quite amazing.

  4. Oh, we love roses but Ma's rose bushes always die for some reason. A little train that goes around the yard? How fun! My daddy-dog would LOVE that. Tee-hee. Happy WW, Miss Ann.

    1. Maybe I will have to share some train photos one of these days. I think you guys might be amazed at my dad's train set ;)

  5. These are some great pictures! I love roses. :) I really like how you put these together. Bear is adorable!

  6. Nice one. Our roses are fabulous this year as not too much rain. The last two years they have been ruined which is such a shame. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. That is a stunningly beautiful garden area!

  8. awesum garden and photoz guys....Nice ta meet ewe bear !!

  9. Beautiful garden and handsome pup. I didn't see the train at first glance.

  10. What a fantastic backyard! The American Rose Center is not far from us. I need to see if they allow dogs! I have never grown roses, but I love them.

    1. If they do, that would be a fun place to visit with Bentley!


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