Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bickering Brothers

As many of you know by now, the resident pet rats here occasionally get into a disagreement with each other. About what? I still don't know exactly. I think Jack just gets on Gus's nerves sometimes. Jack (the brown one) seems a little more outgoing. Gus (the gray one) is a bit more reserved and seems to like his alone time a little more. 

After I cleaned the boys cage the other day, I took some video of them and you can witness a small disagreement between the two of them. I'll let you be the judge and tell me what you think. 

So what do you think? Who started it and what are they arguing about? 

I think that Jack is just annoying Gus here. It seems like he doesn't want him to come inside his little house. If you listen closely, you can hear some squeaking in the 2nd clip. They are very vocal rats. And very silly too! 

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  1. Hahaha! You do have a smackdown today! I had to watch twice to see who the instigator was and I have to say it's Jack. Poor Gus seems to be the peaceful guy. ☺☺

    1. That's what I thought at first too, but then sometimes I see Gus get mad at Jack for nothing so it makes me wonder...

  2. I must laugh as I saw how Gus used his paw to push his bro away (think it was on 0:14). It's great to watch them !

  3. It looks like a sibling squabble for sure. Reminds me of when Lee and Phod play Queen of the bed. Lee gets on the bed and pushes Phod off if he tries to get on.

  4. I think they both want possession of the blue place to hide out!

  5. Bro battles can be fun, or so I hear!

  6. Jack is playing the game "It's mine, all mine" about the house ! Poor Gus ! Purrs

  7. Oh I bet they both want to be in that little shelter...but only one can fit! They are too funny. I love the way they push each other around. Too cute!

    1. Oh they can both fit in there with a little extra room. I guess Gus isn't in a sharing mood lol.

  8. Looks like the big one was trying to sit on the little guy's head, but I think I was getting confused.

  9. Bros doing what bros do.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. gus de gray mouze started de fite coz him is holdin out on cheez snax & jack found out !!

  11. I think they need a bigger cage .... Gus wants some more square footage!

    1. Haha - I am going to have to show you a full shot of this mansion of theirs!

  12. Gus is so cute. Jck looks like he eats all the food and instigates the squabbles.

    1. LOL... this comment made me laugh because that's what I was thinking!

  13. Do you think they should stay together or is this normal? Just wondering, and maybe a bigger cage like above? Love Dolly

    1. I asked a rat group about it, and some people said their boys will fight sometimes. They separate as needed, go back together, make up with each other etc. Rats like having buddies around and it's always recommended to have more than one. Their cage is huge and I really don't think I could get one much bigger... If they need space, there are two levels and plenty of hiding spots. They can be just as sweet to each other sometimes!

  14. Oh my - that's hilarious!

    Thanks for sharing.


  15. Sharing is caring. But sometimes it can be a drag! :)

  16. So funny. Having a brother myself, I'd say they look like typical siblings to me! Especially the way Jack kept putting his big butt in Gus's face! Yep... that's got "brother behavior" written all over it!

  17. Funny that rat brothers kind of act like human brothers. I think it looks like Jack started it to me.

  18. I think Gus is being stingy! Jack just wants a turn in the house. :)

  19. I love rats, they are so neat. My boyfriend doesn't think so, but I would love to get a couple of rats in the next few years.


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