Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Best Friends

Last week, I was able to capture this moment with Jack and my two year old daughter. 

While I was taking Gus's Halloween picture, Violet decided she would cuddle up under a blanket with Jack. Jack wasn't trying to run away and was just laying next to Violet while she cuddled him. It was very sweet. She loves her "babies" so much! 

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Click HERE to see more Wordless Wednesday photos. 


  1. That is very sweet. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. That is such a sweet picture. She's so gentle and loving.

  3. Beautiful, such a darling little Princess :) xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  4. ann...this photo is priceless ♥♥

    waves to violet and jack ~~~~~~~

  5. Absolutely adorable! Animals are so much more capable of affection than they are given credit for.

  6. Awww! We know where the best places are!!

  7. That is so sweet!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. That is such a sweet photo! They are both SO CUTE!

  9. That's a wonderful photo!

    Noodle and crew

  10. That is so sweet! What a great moment to capture.

  11. Oh wow, that is adorable. Do rats actually like affection from humans then? I guess the answer is yes! I just don't know anything about rats.

  12. That is such a great picture. Good friends for sure. What a cute little girl too. Take care.

  13. Awww. Very sweet! (Love the Halloween pics too!)

  14. Such a beautiful photo, and so darn sweet. I love seeing Jack & Gus; it brings back some great memories of my rats I had growing up, they were so affectionate and really smart. As far as small pets go they've always been my favorite.

  15. What an adorable photo. Violet is growing up so fast, she a beautiful child!


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