Wednesday, December 3, 2014

More Please! #DogWinterWellness Twitter Chat with @JustRightPets

Shiner is ready for a second helping after dinner with her Just Right by Purina personalized dog food. 

You can join us today, December 3rd, along with @JustRightPurina for a #DogWinterWellness Twitter chat from 3 - 4 pm CST. Dr. RuthAnn Lobos, DVM. Dr. Lobos will be answering any questions about how to keep your dog safe and happy this Winter. Also, one lucky person will win a GoPro Camera and dog harness. We hope to see you there! 

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Click HERE for more Wordless Wednesday photos. 


  1. Have fun and have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. You are such a lucky girl Shiner, it's so great that you have your own food!
    Easy Rider

  3. Shiner is like Mom get this bag off me and let me eat it. LOL TOO cute

  4. Hi Shiner how's it going? Sorry I haven't been by to visit much lately. Looks like you need some kibble in that bowl! Love Dolly

    1. That's OK Dolly, I also haven't been able to visit much lately either :(

  5. I think that food sounds really interesting! Glad Shiner likes it. So cute that each dog's picture is on the bag!

  6. Yay for you, Shiner! You get to taste some delicious food with your own name!

  7. We hope the chat went well. Shiner, you are just so darned adorable.

  8. Sounds like nummy food!

    Noodle and crew

  9. Sounds like fun!! You are looking stunning sweet girl! Hopefully your Mom sends out lots of pics of you in the chat!!

  10. Yes, she definitely looks like she is ready for another helping!

  11. That bag leaning on Shiner looks like it weighs a ton! Such a sweet face. Cool dish too!


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