Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Who Let the Rat Out of the Bag?

During playtime the other night, I gave the boys a paper bag to play with. 

It's so funny how something so simple can be so much fun for them!

After playtime was over with, I made sure to put the paper bag in their home so they could play with it some more. 

They've abandoned their current favorite box for the bag. Looks like paper bag is the new box! ;) 

Happy Wordless Wednesday!


  1. and that simple bag brought so much joy to me too while watching your photos. You should offer them to hallmark, they would make wonderful cards!
    easy Rider

  2. That is sooo funny. I bet they like things like the cardboard papertowl holders too. they are really funny and sweet.

    1. They do like those things, but they are way too big to fit inside of them. When I had hamsters, they really liked crawling through those things.

  3. How very cute they are. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. They are too sweet. :) I would love to have rats as pets!

  5. Your rat kids are so adorable. My cats will spend hours playing with a bag too.

  6. They are so cute! It is funny how the simplest things make the most favorite toys/houses, isn't it? :)

  7. They sure look like they're enjoying themselves :-)

  8. BOL! They look sooooo CUTE :-) Golden Woofs

  9. doodz....we likes paper bags big one like yur mom comes home frum de groceree store with R awesum ta play in !!!♥♥♥

  10. You little cuties brought big smiles with you!!!

  11. Now THAT is just the best! I love these guys!

  12. How fun! We could all learn from these little guys about enjoying the little things in life. They are adorable! I'm glad they enjoyed their paper bag :)

  13. OK, they are just too dang cute!

  14. haha! Love todays title!! Your babies are so adorable!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. What sweet pictures, they really are having a good time in the bag~

  16. Jack and Gus are so cute ! It looks like they have a lot fo fun ! Purrs

  17. Great photos! Jack and Gus look as adorable as ever. I like to cut "mouse" holes (doors) on either side of the bag so they have two additional ways to go in and out of the bag. It's also fun to use brown paper grocery bags: I cut it with scissors so it's about 1/3 the normal height. Then I cut door holes on all four sides and turn it upside down. Makes a great impromptu house. :)

    Love seeing all of your photos, Ann! Give Jack and Gus some kisses from my girls.

    1. They are so messy with their things... they like to knock their boxes over and rearrange everything in the cage! I'm sure they would love some extra holes though, if they haven't already chewed their own. I still hear them crinkling in the bag today.

  18. So rats love bags as much as us cats! Who would have thought?

  19. Has the bag now been shredded and turned into bedding, or is it still their toy?

    1. Well, yesterday when I tried to take a nap I was woken up by the noise of a paper bag shredding lol. They are getting their cage cleaned out today, so I'll have to look around for a new bag for them.

  20. Sometimes the simplest things make the best toys, don't they? :)


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