Sunday, August 30, 2015

Snapshots on Sunday: School

I know we've been slacking on our Sunday Snapshots. I guess the only excuse I have is that I needed a break! But, we're back again and this week's theme is "school". Perfect timing because this past week was my oldest daughter's first week of 5th grade.

Jack and Gus enjoyed playing in her school backpack and so those are the photos I'm using for this week's 52 Snapshots of Life Photo Challenge.

"Do you think we can sneak into school with the human girl?"

"Is there snack time at school?"

"Maybe I can be the teacher's pet!"

If you have a little one going back to school, we hope they are off to a good start! 


  1. oh absoluetly... you are ready for school, Jack&Gus :o)

  2. Oh so cute! I'm really stumped at what to do for "school". Your idea is perfect though!

  3. That is so cute! Those two are definitely ready to go to school, and we're sure they would be the teacher's pets!

  4. Jack and Gus, you look ready for school, but will school be ready for you? teehee.

  5. OMD so cute! I bet they smuggle to school one day! Love Dolly

  6. you know what? Those photos are the best ever!!!! Best of luck to your kidlets in school this year!

  7. Cute backpack, but even cuter with the rats!

  8. Very cute :) I miss taking first day of school photos. I took my nieces from pre-school through college-now she is married, 27 and expecting a daughter in October- time flies.

    1. I've been seeing a lot of my first day of school photos of my daughter in my timehop and past Facebook photos. It's amazing to see how fast they grow. :)

  9. You look so cute in that school bag ! Mum would love if one of her pupils came to school with pets like you two ! Purrs

  10. You may need to get Jack and Gus their own backpack!

  11. They look like they'd love to stow away and go to school!


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