Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy Gotcha Day, Callie!

Today is Callie's 2nd Gotcha Day! We've had Callie for two years now and she's shown us what an amazing kitty she is. 

In case you're unaware of Callie's backstory, I adopted her from my in-laws. After learning that both of their children are extremely allergic to cats (among many other things), they asked if I'd like to take her. I had been wanting a cat for quite a while so I gladly accepted their offer. 

Callie is a very friendly cat, but she's not afraid to tell you if she doesn't like something. (Like if you touch her belly.) She's sweet and will lick you almost as much as a dog would. I've never had a cat that likes to lick people as much as she does. 

I'm glad to have her in my life! Happy Gotcha Day, Callie! 


  1. Happy Gotcha Day, Callie ! We wish you a wonderful day ! Purrs

  2. Happy Gotchaday gawjus Callie. We hope your day is as purrfect as you. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  3. callie...wavez two ewe gorgeouz......we wood like ta say a most happee gotcha day two ewe.....heerz ta 22 mor....N joy yur day ...hope ya getz lotz oh perch pizza pie....stay in trubull ;) N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz N health ♥♥♥♥♥

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. happy Gotcha Day!!! it's so great that you found the bestest furever home!

  6. she has the most beautiful markings! Happy Happy Gotcha Day sweet girl! catchatwithcarenandcody

  7. Happy Gotcha Day Callie!!! You are a cutie.

  8. Such an awesome kitty. :-) Happy Gotcha Day, Callie!!

  9. Happy belated gotcha day, Callie! We hope you had a super spectacular day! :)

  10. congrat and happy gotcha day and many more. we had a cat at the barn that looked like Caliie, her name was Chum.

  11. Callie's coloring is beautiful! How blessed you are that you "inherited" her. I think a lot of us get pets this way, then are amazed that we were ever without them. My dog was originally my son's and my cat originally my daughter's.


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