Friday, September 6, 2013

Apartment Living With Pets | Tips to Help Reduce Stress During a Move

Our pets are such an important part of our lives. It's no wonder why they have such a significant impact on our living choices. If you've ever had to search for an apartment or place to rent with your pets, I'm sure you're familiar with some of the hassles that can come with it. According to a a national survey conducted by, 83% of renters have reported having some difficulty finding a pet friendly place to live. 

After finding that perfect place to call home, many pet parents and their companion animals are still faced with the stress of moving to a new place. Here are a few tips on how to reduce stress for both you and your pet from Harrison Forbes.

  • Pack your pets' belongings in your car rather than a moving van so they aren't accidentally lost or misplaced while in transit.
  • Have your pet wear two ID tags - one with the old address and one with the new address - just in case they wander off and get lost. 
  • Have your pet stay at a familiar friend or family member's house during the actual move. 
  • If you don't have a familiar place for your pet to stay at on moving day, keep them comfortable in their own room with food, water, bedding, toys, etc. 
  • Introduce your pet to the new home after all the furniture and household items are set up.

Below is an infographic from that shows some information and statistics about apartment living with pets. 

Have you ever had trouble finding an apartment or place to live with your pet? 


  1. Those are some good tips. Lucky we have not had to move with pets. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Thank you for the tips!! I will be moving soon, and I'm worried about finding a appartment! I'm having my fingers crossed that all will go well!! Hugs, Francesca

  3. Thise are great tips and movingnpets is never easy!

  4. Hope wez don't move BOL have a wonderful weekend xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. That was an interesting infographic. Thanks! I've heard from people around me, that most landlords allow pets and that they haven't to pay an extra deposit for their pets.

  6. My friend just moved apartments and she mentioned that her cats were really scared at first, they wouldn't eat or come out from under the bed for days. I think people forget that a move can be traumatizing on pets, especially ones that never leave the house!

    Jules of Canines & Couture

    1. Yea, I think if a cat never really leaves their home it can be a pretty traumatic experience. Hope the kitties got over it quickly!

  7. Moving is so tough for pets. These are excellent tips, Ann! Thank you for sharing them with us. :)

  8. Great tips Ann! When I did the "apartment" life, I had cats. One prerequisite of me finding an apartment was it had to be cat friendly or it wasn't a go. I remember pay several hundred dollars more with my security deposit as a pet deposit. If I can remember correctly, they would allow some small dogs, but not larger dogs and definitely not pibbles. I couldn't even move into another house if the area didn't allow my babies.

    1. Same here Bren. They really aren't many pibbles friendly apartments where I live. I think it's part of the reason I haven't moved out of my crappy house yet. Finding a place to live with Shiner would be hard.

  9. We had cats in our apartment (I would say forever ago, but we still have the cats). I have respect for people who have dogs in them. It is a lot of work to not have easy access to a yard! [I took my previous dogs to visit family and friends in apartments and it was a pain!] Have a great night, Lee and Phod

    1. I can imagine that it would be tough to keep dogs in an apartment. You have to go out with them and can't just let them out in the yard.

  10. Great tips! Jeremy and I actually experienced our situation in reverse. Our apartment complex turned pet-friendly three years ago, and THAT is when we decided to adopt for the first time. By the way, I loved reading the statistic about how 12% of people moved because their pets were unhappy with their current home! If I had the financial means, I think I would be part of that 12%! ;-)

    1. That's great that you decided to adopt. Just imagine the amount of pets that could be adopted if more places were pet-friendly.

  11. Great tips. Pets are an important part of the family, they deserve all our love, attention and feeling of duty towards them. I wish that less people get rid of their pets just because they move or go on vacation or such, this is so sad. Thanks for your post and the stats.

    1. Yes it is very sad. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts.

  12. Great post and very useful tips! I'm moving soon and with three parrots and a dog, I expect will be quite a challenge, lol :D


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