Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blogiversary Celebration Giveaway

Hello and welcome to the Pawsitively Pets' Celebration Giveaway! Today, October 10th, is my official one year anniversary of blogging. I wanted to do something special for all of my readers and friends across the world. I know that it's not often that I have the chance to give away prizes to my international friends, which always bums me out. But, this part is always up to the company that is giving away the prize.

Today, I am personally going to give away 3 prize packages for dogs, cats, and other pets. Other pets can be anything - a rabbit, turtle, or even a parakeet. The best part is that friends from anywhere in the world may join the fun! Keep reading to learn how to enter.

The Prizes

The prize packages are to be determined depending on who wins them. I have some things I plan to add to the packages, but want to personalize the prizes when the winners are selected. So, these prizes are surprises right now. But, I promise that there will be lots of goodies in them. There will be one prize package for dogs, cats, and other small pets. 

The Details

This giveaway is exclusively for Pawsitively Pets' subscribers. If you're already subscribed and follow this blog, then you are good to go! If you are not yet subscribed that's OK too. I welcome new readers and friends to this blog - we'd love to have you! You can subscribe to our blog via email, RSS feed, Google Friend Connect ( aka Blogger) or Bloglovin' in the top right of this page. 

I am using a Rafflecopter for this giveaway. It's mandatory that you are following the blog to enter this giveaway AND that you tell me which type of pet(s) you want to enter for (dog, cat, other). You can enter for multiple types of pets. There are optional bonus entries for those of you following on all of Pawsitively Pets' social media too. 

If the Rafflecopter is confusing for you or you don't want to use it, but you still want to enter just leave me a comment and I can enter you manually. Or you can send me an email at annstaub(at)yahoo(dot)com. Good luck friends! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Ann!
    I have dogs and one cockatiel that I would love to enter your giveaway for.

    Happy anniversary!!

    1. Awesome - good luck Linda! I'm not sure I knew that you had a cockatiel.

    2. He is my problem child but he is lucky I love him anyway. LOL

  2. HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY again is the BIG day huh? Well, here's wishing you many more years of fun in the animal world. We wouldn't trade it for anything - so many dear people. Sam insisted I enter the competition - of course he's a cat so as usual it's "all about him"! He loves surprises too so how could I say "NO"?? Have a wonderful day and thanks for having such a fun celebration.

    Pam (and Sam)

  3. This is such a neat idea for your Blogaversary Celebration. You are always so thoughtful. Have a wonderful huge happy successful time!

  4. Happy Anniversary. Not sure if I filled out the above form correctly. I have a tortoise I would like to enter.

    1. I will check for you Anna and make sure your information is on there. If I don't see it, I'll add it in. How cool that you have a tortoise!

  5. Hi Ann,

    Congrats on your Blogiversary!

    I would love to enter your giveaway for my rats. (I am following your blog via bloglovin' under my email address thekatsrats[at]gmail[dot]com - which is not the email address connected to my blog - long story).

    Wishing you many more years of happy blogging! :)


    1. Good luck to you and your ratties and thanks for stopping by!

  6. HAPPY BLOG-O-VERSARY!!!!! Here's to many more! I am entering for a cat AND a dog!!
    cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com

  7. Happy Blogavrsary... You know me I am the cute blond.. forget Gaylord BOL.. Can youz enter mez if I am allowed to play, I don;t get that Raffitee thingy :) XXOOXXX

    Mollie and Alfie

  8. I would like to enter for either the cat or small pet(I have a canary bird)one. Happy Anniversary. Really wonderful blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Sue B

  9. I have 2 dogs, 4 cats and 2 sugar gliders. I'd like to enter for CATS
    Thank you and Happy Blogiversary!!

  10. Happy bloggyversary!!! Great giveaway, I've entered :-)

  11. Congratulations and happy anniversary!

  12. Happy Blogoversary! Hope we can celebrate the 100th too! I'm not blonde, but my ghostwriter sadly is one (and not able to raffle that copter). If it is possible I would enter that giveaway for my Buddy Hell-mut the tortoise-guy :o)

    1. Thank you Easy, I will definitely add Hell-mut to the list :) Good luck to him!

  13. Happy blogaversary!! Wow, I already followed you everywhere but email. Of course i am interested in the dog package.

  14. Congrats! I'd love to win the dog package... but my cat wouldn't mind the cat package!

  15. Happy Blogoversary :)
    I like your new have turtle in it :)
    You have already been in my rss feed for many months :)

    1. Yep! Isn't Mr. Turtle so cute? Love him! I know that you guys have been following me already.

  16. Congratulations again! Maybe I'll finally win something since mom didn't do anything of our blogoversary or gotcha day. Love how you include all animals not just cats and dogs. Love Dolly

    1. Thanks Dolly - good luck to you :) I wanted to include everyone, because I have lots of friends with animals other than cats and dogs.

  17. Happy Blogaversary Ann! we have entered,Has Lilys prize arrived yet?Congratulations I can't believe its been a year already,xx Rachel and SPeedy

    1. Not yet Speedy - we have been looking for it everyday though. Maybe it will come today, the mail usually comes in a few hours from now.

  18. Happy Blogaversary gf!! This is super awesome what your doing, so thank you for the opportunity. Of course, I'm entering for Dogs. ;)

  19. Congratulations on your one year mark! So inspiring!

  20. I think I figured the Rafflecopter thing out. Know I'm following you in most, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Fun day and fun giveaway. Some day I need to send one of my items to you for a review!

    1. I will double check for you Christy. I think I know where you are following me already anyways :)

  21. So happy for you and your Blogiversary! Does it feel like the time has flown by really fast? I bet it's a lot like watching children grow. You don't know where the time went!

    1. Thank you! It is a lot like watching children grown now that you mention it!

  22. Happy Blogisversary! My Lhasa Apso Luma is very excited that you are sharing the fun! Thank you!

  23. happee annie fursary guys N heerz ta 100 fishes two ewe in de coming yeerz N we iz way happee we getted ta noe ewe N bee come friends....heerz ta a bazillion mor friends N mor fun posts !

  24. happy Blogiveesary! so exciting & looking forward to many more from you!

  25. Happy Blogiversary!!! Yay for a big giveaway! We'd like to win the dog stuff, of course! But I kind of hope folks outside of the US win since they never get the chance! Good luck to them!

    1. Good luck to you Pam. I wish I could give away more stuff, but I think 3 prize packages is my limit this time around!

  26. Happy Blogoversary! We love your blog!!!

  27. Congrats on such a special day. To 87 million more! Lee and Phod

  28. Happy Blogoversary!! I'm entering for either Sookie, my four cats, or Muffin the guinea pig. :)

  29. Even though I'm not sure what all the prizes are, this sure is exciting! :)

  30. Auguri!!!! Thank you for hosting this unique giveaway! I don't know if I'm allowed to take part since I live in Italy but I will enter anyways!!! <3 Hugs, Francesca

    1. Yes ma'am you most certainly are allowed. Good luck :)

  31. Happy Happy Blog Anniversary! I hope we can celebrate many more!
    Your giveaway is both mysterious, intriguing and fun. Thank you =^.^=

  32. We have the same blogversary day. Happy Happy Blogversary. Wow just 1 year and you've done so much, Golden Congrats. Golden Glad to be bloggie friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. Thank you Sugar! I think that it is pretty cool that our date is the same.

  33. I live in the UK so probably aren't allowed to enter, Happy Blogiversary here's to many more.


    1. Everyone from anywhere in the world is allowed to enter, even if you're a turtle. :) Says so in the post!

  34. A belated happy blogoversary, Ann. May you have many years of fantastic blogging! x

  35. Happy Blogoversary, Ann! We are so glad you are here in the blogosphere, and that we are your friends! :)

  36. Happy Blogiversary Ann! You've accomplished a great deal in only one year and you're all set for tons of success...I know what you mean about giveaways restricted to US only...I'm always pleased when I have an item that anyone can win...

    1. Same here Gizmo. There are so many international friends. I'd actually say a good majority of people who actually leave comments on my blog are from another country. Too bad companies aren't willing to ship out stuff =/ I'm also glad to be your friend!

  37. Congrats on your Blogiversary from your pal Spencer the Goldendoodle!!! I wish you many more milestones a head!!!

  38. Happy blogiversary, Ann! We are so pleased to have "met" you here in Blogville. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  39. Hi!!! I have two super cute red-eared-sliders!!!
    You can check them at:
    I want to enter it!!! Hope you can help my ^^ Thank you very much^^

    1. I can't enter it!!! It's always "loading~~"!!! Hope you can help my get in manually^^

    2. Hi Agnes, I don't think I knew you had turtles - how cute! I will manually add your name to the list today. Thanks for entering!

    3. My honour!!! Thank you^^ They are really cute, aren't they???

  40. I don't know if I've said it yet or not, but it can't hurt to say it again: Happy Blogiversary, Ann!! What a nice, nice way to celebrate by doing this giveway!

    1. Lol - well you probably already did, but it's OK to say it again. Thank you!

  41. Good luck to all who enter. I subscribe on Feedly and don't see that choice. :)

    1. I count that as RSS Feed. You guys are welcome to join, just tell me you subscribe by feedly in the Rafflecopter.

  42. Hi Ann,
    PetSPEAK Art would like to enter Studio Assistants #'s 1 + 2 (both last chance rescue mutts!) but the raffle form went down in the midst of my entering the assistants. Hope they're in it to win it? (They are very loyal, hardworking assistants in this ART studio and deserve a nice prize!) Thank you.

    1. We'd love to have them! I will check and see if you guys are on the list. If not, I can add you myself.


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