Friday, January 17, 2014

Bearded Dragons Make Awesome Pets

Bearded Dragons make awesome pets. Yep! Despite their name, they are not huge lizards. They are fairly small to medium sized reptiles, actually. I was inspired to write about Bearded Dragons because in one of my recent posts, I mentioned that I would like to have a Bearded Dragon as a pet. Many people seemed surprised by this.

Bearded Dragons make awesome pets
Mr. Krunk

Actually, I have had a Bearded Dragon as a pet in the past. Technically, he is my "nephew" if you will. I used to live with my brother several years ago who has one, so I took care of him a lot. His name is Mr. Krunk and he's still around but no longer lives with me. He's probably about 7 or 8 years old now.

And I've worked with dozens of Beardies as well in the veterinary hospital, so I'm pretty familiar with them. What is a Bearded Dragon, anyways?

Bearded Dragons are lizards originally from Australia. They get their name because they have some spiky scales on their throat that give them a bearded appearance. They are very mellow and friendly lizards, which is why they make nice pets. They are probably the nicest species of lizard that I've ever met. Many Bearded Dragons enjoy sitting on their person's shoulder and don't mind being handled.

My daughter and Mr. Krunk, the Beardie.

But, just because Beardies have an excellent temperament doesn't mean they are "easy" pets. Every reptile is unique and requires very special care. They need special lighting, substrate, food, heating, and more. As with any pet, extensive research should be completed before deciding to welcome a Beardie into your family.

Many of the sick Bearded Dragons we saw at the veterinary hospital were there because they became ill from poor care by their people. It's not that the people were trying to hurt them. They just didn't realize how important proper care and husbandry was for their lizard and weren't well informed. Many of the sick Beardies had calcium and/or mineral deficiencies which made them have weak bones and muscle tremors.

If I were to have a reptile as a pet, my first choice would be a Bearded Dragon. I always enjoy visiting my lizard nephew! Again, they are not "easy" pets by any means but they make awesome pets for first-time reptile owners. Plus, I think they are pretty cute little critters!

How about you? What's your take on reptile pets?


  1. great post Ann,not that these types of pets appeal to me,I guess I like my fluff,xx Rachel

    1. To each their own Rachel! They aren't for everyone.

  2. Yikes not for us. We are not a big fan of reptiles. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I'm not really familiar with pets like your "nephew" LOL But a friend has a stump tailed skink, named Pinocchio, what is really interesting to watch.

    1. I don't know that I have ever seen one of those before Easy. Hope that Hellmut is doing OK!

  4. Now I love those :) Daddy won't let me have one xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Oh really? They are so fun! And very friendly little lizards too.

  5. I think they are cute and we would like to have one!

  6. My daddy would love one! He loves reptiles and if they hadn't got me I think they would've had their own Mr krunk - not sure that mummy was totally onboard though.

    1. I'm sure your mummy would have grown to like a Mr. Krunk ;) But I am glad that they did pick you Misaki!

  7. Oh Miss are the pet-parent queen. I don't think my Ma would be able to handle having a reptile as a pet. She doesn't mind all the little ones outside, or even the iguanas which are sometimes HUGE down here, but to have one in the house may give her the willies. BOL In photos, they are cute indeed but I don't think Ma would hold one.
    *Cairn cuddles*

    1. They can be a bit spiky and scratchy to hold. Especially when you are trying to poke them with needles and stuff.

  8. Wow, really know your way around ALL kinds of pets!!!
    We're not super big on reptiles here, but it's still really fun to learn about them.
    We used to have a gecko named Elvis, but he's living with some other geckos now in a very loving forever gecko-home. : )

    Waffles wants to know if the Bearded Dragon wants to go with him on a spa day to take card of his beard.

    : ) Katie

    1. Thanks Katie! Those Leopard Geckos are really cute too. I think Mr. Krunk would enjoy a manscaping date with Waffles! MOL! That cracked me up so much!

  9. I would have a lizard but bearded dragons are a definite! They are totally too cool looking!

    1. You would love them Bren :) If you do ever get a lizard, I highly recommend them!

  10. He is cute but I don't think Callie the cat would like him too much! I think your daughter is the luckiest kid in the world! TGIF! :)

  11. Oh you know how I feel about reptile pets ;)

    I want to have one but it's so expensive and I don't the space anymore. I also want to have leopard gecko...they are all so darn cute.

    1. Well, those are good reasons to not have one. Your turtles are probably enough :) Leopard geckos are definitely cute! Totally agree with you!

  12. I don't think that lizards are for me, but they are kind of cute! Lee and Phod

  13. Interesting. Not sure a lizard is for me but interesting.

  14. We don't have lizards in our home but they are pretty awesome. They need good homes and people who know how to properly care for them. We get a surrender of lizards now and then to the shelter where I volunteer and they get as much love and care as the cats and dogs do. And I like that we good rescue partners that help find them homes and get great medical care!

    1. That is really awesome Amelia! We too got a lot of surrenders to our vet clinic where I worked at. Fortunately, we were able to get them all nice homes and medical care as well.

  15. I love bearded dragons! We have never had one in the family, but I have taken care of a few. They are very sweet. I'm thinking there might be one in our future at some point.

  16. Bearded Dragons are the best. I love my Shirley, going on 10 months now. Thanks for sharing about Dragon with your readers, Ann.


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