Saturday, March 29, 2014

Say Hello to My Little Friends

I can't believe it's taken so long to announce our newest pet family members, but here they are. We've have them for about 2 weeks now. They aren't very fluffy or cuddly, but they are still pretty cute.

Goldfish aquarium

Yep, we have a new goldfish crew now. My daughter loves fish so I thought I'd buy a proper fish tank for her. There are four goldfish total. I don't think any of them have names, but I wouldn't be able to tell them apart anyways. Except for the silver-blackish one. He's the only one that looks different than the other more traditional looking goldfish.

baby black goldfish

My daughter selected their tank accessories, complete with hot pink gravel. I was thinking of something more along the lines of a natural look, but hot pink looks nice too I guess. They've got a few colorful fake plants and a little rock to hide behind. I also picked them up a filter last week. Next on the shopping list is probably an aerator.

Photographing fish is interesting, to say the least. But I was able to get some good shots I think.

Goldfish family

goldfish closeup

Their water looks just slightly cloudy because I think Lily was overfeeding them. I noticed when I opened the container of fish food and it looked as though about a quarter of the food was already gone. Goldfish are gluttons if you'll allow it, but there's no way they should have been fed that much in a week's time. So I guess they are on a diet now.


  1. Not too much diet, not too much diet ! They just look purrfectly yummy, no, sorry, we wanted to say cute ! Purrs

  2. LOL - now they're on a diet! The hot pink gravel is certainly eye catching ;-) Love your new pets and I think you did a great job with the photos.

    1. Thanks Sue! I wish there weren't dried up water drops on the tank but oh well!

  3. The photos are terrific and they sure are pretty ones!

  4. We think those are great photos of the fish. Bet your little girl is loving having them there at your house. Hope all of you have great week end.

  5. Hello little friends :) , they look so happy

  6. The hot pink rocks are perfect for a little girl's aquarium! Our little girl had purple ones, but that was ages ago. Such cute fishes and the perfect number for a tank that size - good work!
    PS. You probably know this already, but the cloudy water can be deadly for the fish. The cloudiness is caused by the enormous numbers of bacteria feeding on the excess fish food. I recommend changing a part of the water (treated properly of course) and not feeding them at all until the water is completely clear. Don't worry, the fish will be fine without food for a couple of days, but that cloudy water can kill or sicken them quickly.

    1. I am going to work on it this weekend. Thanks for the tip about not feeding them for a few days. I know they'll be fine because our outdoor fish was fine without regular feedings. I'm sure he ate bugs though.

  7. LOL over the diet! Sounds like a great hobby for a little girl! Love Dolly

  8. Time to invest in an underwater cam!

  9. Oh yay! Congrats on the newest members!!!!
    It's funny because you are not so fond of the pink, but when I saw the photo, my first thought was, oh I love that pink!!! BOL!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  10. Jealous again, Ann. I so miss keeping fish. Jason is a saltwater guy so when it came to needing to care for (and make room in our house for) all of my freshwater friends, he was unhappy about helping. A few former roommates dreams came true when I got gave away my tanks... and I still get to see some of my swimmy friends! While I also like the look of creative gravel, you might do some research about it because it has been my understanding that a lot of fish can have their health effected by not living with natural colored gravel. Oh, and this post title is the very best ever! I was smiling before I even saw those cute fishes!

    1. I'll have to look into the gravel thing. It's not surprising that something so neon might not be good for them... saltwater sounds way over my head! But they make gorgeous tanks.

  11. We sure would like to play with them! :)

  12. Thats good that you have cut back on the food they only need a pinch a day,might be an idea to give them a water change just to help with the cloudy water and if you get living pond weed plants that will help with natural airartion of the water plus the fish will eat some of them which gives them a more natural diet,xx Rachel

    1. I do want some live plants in there. Have tried them in the past and they seemed to work out OK.

  13. ooooh what FUN, we'd loooove to *ahem* PLAY with them, too! ;-)

  14. Congratulations on your new family members. They are super cute, and the hot pink is a great, fun choice!


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