Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hoppy Easter!

Wishing our friends who celebrate Easter a very hoppy... err... happy day! 

Shiner got a very tasty treat for Easter this weekend. It's a Bully Stick from Only Natural Pet. She is chewing it up in her photo. It distracted her just long enough to take a photo with the Easter Bunny. She's also wearing a new pretty pink dog collar from dogIDs. What did the Easter Bunny bring you? 

We *might* have some exciting news to share later on today as well. It's a secret for now, but we will definitely be sharing more later! 


  1. Happy Easter to you all ! Your card is so cute ! Purrs

  2. You look quite happy Shiner and we can't wait to hear the news. Happy Easter Hoppy Hugs from all of us.

  3. Lucky girl! Mauja and Atka got some tasty homemade treats for Easter. Happy Easter!

  4. Wow, Shiner! The Easter Bunny totally hooked you up! :)

    We can hardly wait for your exciting news!

    Happy Easter!

  5. We got to go on a hunt for cheese treats, mmmmmmm! Happy Easter Shiner!

  6. Happy Easter! Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  7. I’m sorry I keep forgetting to come here. TW usually starts by visiting my guests and you prolly do the same so it’s a vicious cycle. Hoppy Easter to you, Shiner, Lily, Violet and the hubby.

    1. No worries CK. I've just been busy. Really I just go through my blog reader and try to get to as many as I can, which isn't many lately. =/ I still love you!

  8. Happy Easter. Lucky you to have green grass!

  9. Happy Easter! We can't wait to hear your news!

  10. It looks like Shiner had a wonderful Easter, I hope you and the rest of your family did as well!

  11. Looks like a good Easter for Shiner! We had a nice one as well.

  12. We've had a wonderful easter sunday. We started the day attending the mass and attended an easter egg hunt activity at my son's school.

  13. I hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

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