Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof Red Carpet Event for Dogs

If you could attend a glamorous red carpet event with your pet and other like-minded dog lovers, would you? I'm excited to share that this one of a kind event does exist and it's called "Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof". What makes the event even more special is that it's focus is to raise funds for dogs in need.

As a sponsor of Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof this year, I'm excited to share more about it with all of you. I think it's a super creative and extra fun way to raise money for dogs in need. This is my first time sponsoring something and I'm glad to have had the opportunity. Especially for an event of such a large scale and popularity. 

The event is hosted by Wigglebutt Warriors which is the fundraising arm of one of the most popular dog blogs out there - Fidose of Reality. Co-founders of Wigglebutt Warriors, Carol and Darlene Bryant and spokesdoggy Dexter, will host the Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof Weekend in Sterling, Virginia this Saturday, September 20th, 2014. 

The funds raised from Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof will benefit the dogs at Oldies But Goodies (OBG) Cocker Spaniel Rescue, Inc. This nonprofit 501(c)3 organization is run by volunteers and dedicated to the prevention of cruelty to animals. 

Famous dog couple Dexter and his wife, Coco Chanel Bella (aka "CoDex"). Married last year at the first Wigglebutt Warrior event. 

And what kind of fun can guests enjoy at this sold out red carpet event? Get glammed up with your dog and stroll down the red carpet, eat tasty noms (for both humans and dogs), entertainment, an awards ceremony, pawparrazi from professional photographers, silent auction, bags filled with swag, prizes, media, and enjoy time spent with other dog lovers. There's even an after pawty the following Sunday. 

Sounds like an all around good time to me! I wish I could attend, but sadly I cannot. Travel is difficult for me right now, but I can't wait to hear all about it from those in attendance. Shiner will be waiting on her doggy pal Dexter's full report! 


  1. Oh Poor Shiner - don't look so down. We will all hear about the event from our blogging pals, and if its even half as much fun as Blog Paws we will enjoy reading about it HEAPS!!!

  2. I would like to visit such an event too, but I have to stay at home like you Shiner. Maybe when we close our eyes we can walk over the red carpet in our dreams? that's a little bit like being really there :o)

  3. Awww so cute - we are so happy you are sponsors. Wishing you could join in the fun. Shiner needs a doggie biscuit for posing so cute!

    1. I think that is what she was begging for in the photo actually - BOL

  4. What a fun event! Shiner, I wish you could go! I guess we'll wait together to hear all about it. The important thing is all the money raised for the doggies.

  5. shiner...we iz soree ya canna go two hollywood yur self tho it iz mega awesum oh yur mom ta help
    out de puppz !! ♥♥♥ may bee next yeer... N then ya can see lassie & rin tin tin's paw print on hollywood blvd !!


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