Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Sending Smiles to Sugar

One of our blogging friends, Sugar the Golden Retriever, always makes us smile. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Sugar where she isn't smiling. Today, we want to send some smiles Sugar's way. She's having surgery on Friday and we will be thinking about her.

Many years ago, Sugar sent us a card in the mail with her picture on it. It has been hanging on our refrigerator ever since and reminds us to smile each and every time that we see it. Shiner also has a copy of her book and is a big fan. ;)

We'll be thinking of Sugar this week and sending good thoughts her way. Thanks Sugar for the friendship and beautiful GOLDEN SMILES.


  1. I am sending lots of purrs to Sugar!

  2. Hoping the best for Sugar, greeting from Belgium

  3. I will go over and see Sugar and wish her well with the surgery. Kitty purrs are always good.

  4. st francis' blessings two ewe sugar fora veree success full sir jerry ♥♥♥

  5. Oh Shiner, I can feel the thoughts and support just oozing from that precious face in your photo. :-) Thaks for sending some POTP to Sugar and her family.

    1. Thanks Oz! It is an old photo Shiner took when we got her book.

  6. Wonderful photo of Shiner wishing Sugar well. Sugar and her family will truly know they are loved by one and all today.

  7. Lots of Golden Thanks. I'm going to have to coloring pages available soon on our shop. Hey, you change back to your old them. It's better, love seeing your header logo. Golden Woofs

    1. No problem :) I did over the weekend. Many people commented about it and while I like the other theme, this one still seemed more popular to readers. I like it too, so I just switched back.


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