Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Laundry Basket Dog

This is how I found her sleeping one morning this past weekend. 

Shiner loves laying on laundry. She doesn't discriminate and likes dirty OR clean laundry. She usually will dig it out of the basket to the floor to lay on, but this time she decided to cuddle up right in the middle of the laundry basket. 

Have a Wonderful Wednesday! Click HERE for more BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday blog posts.


  1. Awww Shiner is as beautiful as ever! xoxoxo

  2. My guys love laundry day, too! Thanks so much for visiting my blog yesterday. I really like your blog header!

  3. Aw, Shiner looks so comfortable there. She's such a sweetheart! 💗

  4. I have that same madness going on in my laundry room when I'm sorting clothes too! Crazy stuff LOL

  5. She looks so comfy and so peaceful... Sweet dreams, Shiner. Purrs

  6. And I thought laundry baskets were just for kitties!

  7. shiner....ewe knead ta try laundree that fresh outta de dryin masheen !!! ♥♥♥

  8. Cats and fresh laundry yes, dog? First I've heard of it! But you do look comfy there Shiner. Love Dolly

  9. Shiner is such a cutie pie! My kitties feel the same way about laundry: the dirty laundry smells like their favorite humans and the clean laundry is warm. :)

  10. What a cutie! That's funny Shiner doesn't differentiate between clean or dirty laundry. :)

  11. We love sleeping on laundry too. Preferably clean laundry so we can fur it up.

  12. That is so cute! Our dogs have never climbed into the laundry basket, but it's a favorite place for Samantha. She prefers it to be empty though! She has a thing for baskets. :)

  13. Maybe she is telling you she wants a bath?

    1. Haha - I doubt it! But she could probably use one.

  14. Shiner always looks so sweet! We had a Yorkie when I was younger that loved sleeping in packed suitcases and laundry baskets.

  15. Aww...Shiner looks so lovely in the laundry! <3 How cute she doesn't discriminate dirty or clean! :D Happy's favorite is warm laundry off the dryer! :)


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