Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Poolside Shenanigans

School ended last week (finally) and so we've been spending more time outside. On Memorial Day, I went and bought the kids a backyard swimming pool to use. As long as it's not raining, we go out there everyday to swim. 

Enjoying the pool from a safe distance.

The dogs enjoy some nice time outside too. I have the pool set up in an area that gets good shade in the late afternoon. The dogs have no interest in getting in the pool, and try to stay away from it. They don't like getting wet, yet both of them enjoy swimming in a lake. 

I purchased a tie-out line to go along with our pool. Shiner and Farrah take turns spending time outside with us. The only time Shiner needs to be on the tie-out is when the nursery is open and there are customers around. She'll bark at strangers so I want to keep her near me. She can be off leash when the nursery closes.

I do try to let Farrah come out more often during swimming time because I feel like she could use it more. Shiner spends all day with us, and Farrah is still staying in the barn per my father's wishes. She does get attention during the day when the nursery is open from my father, grandfather, and the other nursery workers. 

Farrah has a fine time rolling around in the grass and sniffing everything. 

Shiner on the other hand enjoys a nice nap in the sun. 

Have you been swimming yet this Summer? Stay cool!


  1. Fun in the sun! I feel so horrible for Farah. ;(

  2. Fun in the sun! I feel so horrible for Farah. ;(

    1. I felt really bad at first. But looking at the situation in whole, she doesn't have it so bad. I try to go down there and spoil her as much as I can.

  3. Sounds like things are settling down into a routine which is good. Sometimes you have to look at the dog's point of view that's been removed from his home and security. Love Dolly

  4. Hooray for Summer and a nice cool swimming pool!

    It sounds like you're making the best out of the situation, so that both Shiner and Farrah have out time and interaction. Thank you for doing that. :)

    Hugs, and happy splashing!

  5. guys...we wood lovez ta haza pool......but knot for swimmin....for FISHIN !!!


  6. Our pool hasn't been out yet this year, but we have only had a couple days that were real warm. The heat is coming, though.

  7. I hope everyone gets to enjoy some summer fun!

  8. Yay for Summer break ! What a wonderful swimming pool (for humans of course !) ! Purrs

  9. Shiner and Farrah both look like they're enjoying themselves.

  10. That pool looks mighty inviting!
    Have a super Thursday...

    Noodle and crew

  11. The dogs were using the pool, but now it's gotten cooler here again! So it hasn't been filled for a few days now. Summer is back next week, so they say anyway.
    It sounds like you've found a good balance for the dogs. Sure, it's not ideal, but you also have to look at it that being in a shelter would be far worse for Farrah.

    1. I know.... I've kind of just let my dad handle everything with Farrah for now, since he sort of took over being the one responsible for her after the fight. It's helped with my stress, but I still wish there was a better place to keep her. She's doing well, though and is always happy when I come down to see her.


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