Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Reasons to Be Thankful for #SeniorPetLove

This post is sponsored by Stella & Chewy's. Pawsitively Pets only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. 

As many of you know, my Shiner is a senior dog. Since November is a time when many people consider the things in life that they are thankful for, I've been thinking about why I'm thankful to have a senior dog in my life.

Shiner is 14 years old (almost 15) and I've had her since she was a puppy. To be honest, I just never thought that she would live to be so old. My childhood dogs lived long lives, but not quite 14 years. It is wonderful to see many dogs living longer in today's current state of pet health care. Just one of the things I'm very thankful for.

It's amazing to have watched Shiner grow into a senior dog. I'm thankful that she's grown calmer in her older years. If she were still young and rambunctious, I don't think I'd be able to have my cats around. She's done an excellent job of accepting them and even getting along with them these past few years. She never did like cats when she was a younger dog.

I am also thankful that she no longer barks at every little sound she hears; a habit she had all through her younger years. While it does sadden me to know she does not hear as well as she used to, I try to look on the bright side of things. She sleeps much more soundly too. I sometimes walk through the front door to her sleeping on the couch and she never even knows.

Most of all, I am thankful for my senior dog's love. She's put up with me for all of these years and never once questioned her love for me. Dogs are faithful and I think senior dogs are even more so.

Share Your #SeniorPetLove to Help Senior Dogs in Need

November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month and our friends at Stella & Chewy's have partnered with The Grey Muzzle Organization to raise awareness for senior pet adoption. The Grey Muzzle Organization improves the lives of at-risk senior dogs by providing funding and resources to animal shelters, rescue organizations, sanctuaries, and other non-profit groups nationwide.

This month, Stella & Chewy's encourages everyone to post a photo of their senior pet and use hashtag #SeniorPetLove. Tag the photo to @stellaandchewys on InstagramFacebook, or Twitter. For every post, they will donate $1 worth of their food to The Grey Muzzle Organization. It is an easy way to help senior pets in need!

Do you have or have you ever had a senior pet in your life? Tell us about them in the comments! 


  1. We're all senior pets here...or close to it. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Anyone who has ever owned an animal knows how much love and joy they bring to our lives. From greeting us at the door when we get home to keeping us warm at night, we have plenty of reasons to be thankful for their very presence. But when they get senior most of them have joint pain problem. Pet bounce natural pain relief for dogs from joint pain.

  3. My own dog is only 6, but I know a couple senior dogs, and I love how they just take whatever comes at them in stride, and no longer seem to waste time getting stressed over the little things. We humans could learn a thing or two from them.

  4. i hope that Shiner will live forever. i lost my baby in aug. she was 1 month shy of 16, histiocytic sarcoma, 10 mos of 4 types of chemo, 1 new drug. i was devastated, i had had my baby since she was 6 wks old. may Shiner live a long life.


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