Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday Photohunt: Kitty Paw Print

Today's word for the photohunt is "footprints". This is my keepsake from my cat, Kitty Kitty Meow Meow who passed away in early fall. We used to make these paw print keepsakes for people at the vet clinic I worked at.

Speaking of cats, I have a small announcement to make. We *might* be getting a kitty over here. You see, my father has asked me if I can find a cat for his barn. Ever since, KKMM passed away the mice have been roaming freely. I haven't seen so many mice around since I was in high school.

I've looked at our local shelter's website and it seems as though they do have a program that specifically helps place feral cats with people who need cats for their barn. Apparently, these cats would otherwise be euthanized. And the cats are already spayed or neutered. So, this is one option.

The other option is cats from my mom. My mom lives in a neighborhood where feral cats run rampant. She's claimed at least 2 to herself and they live in her yard. My mother has been living at my house for at least a month now because she has a chronic injury that isn't allowing her to work anymore. She is unable to pay her electricity/water bills so she had to leave the cats behind.

I was thinking about getting her to bring some of her cats over here for the barn. They'd need to be fixed of course. I'm slightly annoyed because when I brought this up to my father, his response was "Not if they are boy cats." You'd think he'd know better with my occupation... some people are just very hard-headed when it comes to this stuff. If he won't get the cats fixed, I suppose I will take them to the low-cost clinic.

Anyways, I am slightly excited at the thought of a kitty hanging out around here. I miss kitties. :)


  1. Oh, I have a wonderful solution to your problem!! I will happily donate my brother, Ginger, to your barn cause! ;-) This is a win-win for everyone! Haha!

    Kitties are fun to hang out with though so I hope that you find the perfect buds! (Silly Dad!)

    1. Lol - thanks Goose, but I hope you checked with your mom before making the offer ;)

  2. As long as everybody is happy its a cool idea!

  3. I hope you will find a solution. That's a wonderful idea to make a footprint of you best friend.

    1. They were not easy to make! Quite a pain, but definitely worth it.

  4. Awww I love it! So cute! I really miss having a kitty around but since I my tom passed I couldn't bear to bring another in the house. Can't wait to see your new baby!

  5. If it is a feral cat, how will it adjust to being moved from its locale? I am sure you will solve this and look forward to seeing pics :)

    1. Good question Austin. The ferals from the shelter say they will be euthanized otherwise. The ones from my mom's house will at least get to be spayed or neutered and fed on a regular basis. There is lots to hunt here and I'd like to think less dangers, but I hope it's a non-issue.

  6. Awwww! I want a new cat. What kind of cat will you get?

    Christie from

  7. What a great program--moving feral cats to farms that need them. Really cool. Good luck with the neutering. And I hope that your Mom is doing better soon. Take care and do keep us all posted!!! Happy St. Pat's Day!

  8. Not if they're boy cats? He's OK with them spraying all over the place? Ewwww!!!!!

    1. Yea... his thinking is that they wouldn't come into the house. I told him that they would probably just run off if they were intact.

  9. Barn cats are a great option. I love that paw print, we have way to many of those here.

  10. That paw print is terrific. What a great way to remember your sweet kitty. Fixed barn cats will still maintain their territory, won't they?

    1. I think so. I just can't bear the thought of letting a cat run around here unless it's spayed or neutered.

  11. New cats! Yay! Even if they're barn cats, they will be fun, plus useful for the mice. Mom gets heebie-jeebies thinking about mice. I get heebie-jeebies thinking about cats. I am a little afraid of them. Good luck.

    Love and licks,

  12. I have had all boy kitties and they are the best!

    1. Some of my favorite cats were boys. They certainly are very sweet.

  13. I love the paw print idea. Getting a new kitty (or maybe two?) sounds like a great idea. Maybe four if there are that many mice (but don't tell you dad I said that).

  14. I volunteer with Barn Cat Buddies here in VA. I have two of their cats, but they were hand-raised since infancy as they were abandoned, so aren't feral and live in the house. Since there is a group like this where you live, I would definitely recommend using them. The cats will be fixed, have had all their shots and have an ear tipped to identify them as TNR cats and you know they will be healthy! Good luck. I don't know what I would do without our kitties. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

    1. I really do like the shelter option better.

  15. The footprints are such a wonderful remembrance of your Kitty. I only have footprints in the snow, for as long as they last... Looking forward to see your new kitty, meow :)

  16. Those pawprints are very nice. They make them with ink and paper where my mom works, but I like the one you made more :)

    Also, my mom just learned about these programs to make feral cats barn cats. We think it is a pretty nice idea, especially when you consider the alternative!

    1. I have an exciting story to share later this week regarding this! Can't wait!


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