Monday, April 1, 2013

A Special Visit from the Easter Bunny

It was a long and fun Easter weekend here in Texas. We even had a very special visit from the Easter bunny himself! See for yourself -

That's right, Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny delivered this special note card all the way from the UK! Thank you Speedy, we love it and have it hanging on our refrigerator. Shiner some delicious KONG Treats in the mail too, which she loved! She got chicken and beef flavored treats. Here's a video of her doing some tricks for a treat.

Speedy even gave Nibblet a ride around the yard on his back, but he was much too fast for me to capture this on video. ;)

We also had lots of fun dying Easter eggs. I found this cool Easter egg dye kit that you use little mini paint rollers to decorate the eggs with. It was fun, but I don't think I liked the end result much. The eggs were extremely sticky once colored.

It was also the first Easter my youngest daughter, Violet, was able to walk around. She only found one Easter egg by herself but was very happy with it. She said "Yay!" and just walked around the yard with it while her older sister found all of the other eggs.

I hope everyone else out there had a good weekend! If you don't know yet, Pawsitively Pets will be moving to WordPress sometime this week. I am just waiting on the transfer process right now, but it should be complete midweek. I'll be back to my regular posting schedule soon! I will keep you updated if anything happens with my feed, but I am trying to make it so no one has to re-subscribe. Hopefully it works!


  1. We hope you had a Happy Easter and that the Easter Bunny hopped over with lots of treats. It looks like you all had fun. Paws crossed the move to WordPress goes OK.
    Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Looks like you had a fun Easter! Love that Easter bunny :-)

  3. Hope you had a great Easter! We love our "Speedy" card too!

  4. What a funtastic Easter you had, dying eggs looks so much fun. I have never done that..We got a card from Speedy too, beautiful and had fur in it..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Oh my - fur!? I would have loved some of his fur hehe... rex's have the softest fur!

  5. That Speedy card is adorable :)

    (Mind me asking why the move to Wordpress?)

    1. Well, I've been thinking of it for a long time now but never did it because of the cost. Since I am managing my father's business website for him with a bluehost account, I am able to move this site to that account without paying any new hosting fees. Another main reason is because the lack of support options from Google. Everytime I need an answer about Blogger, I could spend hours and days trying to figure it out rather than being able to call someone. If anything ever happened to my blog, I'd never be able to talk to a human about it! But, I do really like the ease of Blogger.

  6. Looks like a lovely weekend! Such beautiful children.

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  7. The things we do for food.. ;)

  8. Looks like a great weekend.

  9. Shiner worked hard for that treat! Good job!

    Love and licks,

    1. Haha thanks Cupcake. She was being a little stubborn.

  10. Heheheh we had fun this weekend,I just love hanging out with you guys!xx Speedy

  11. happee bee lated easter guys

    looks like everee one hadda grate time !

  12. What a fun easter you had! We got a card from Speedy too!

  13. Shiner got there in the end!! Bless :) Hope the move goes ok!

  14. Hi Ann it looks like you all had a great Easter.


  15. haha Looks like a fun Easter! I love the video. Shiner was like JUST GIVE ME THE DANG TREAT MA! Your girls are soooo cute! BTW, if you haven't seen it yet, you should have email from PibblesNMe :)

  16. That dye kid looks great. Too bad the eggs were sticky. Sounds like you had a great Easter. Good luck on the blog transfer.

  17. Your girls are adorable. Glad they had a good Easter. AND good luck with the 'move'!

  18. Looks like you had an egg-stra special Easter! :)


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