Sunday, January 4, 2015

Snapshots on Sunday: New

On Sundays, I'll be joining The Lazy Pit Bull and several other fabulous bloggers in the 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge. I had already planned to post photos from the week to the blog on Sundays this year, so this photo challenge comes right on time.

Each week, there is a new word that I'll have to capture in a photograph. This week's word is NEW - perfect for the New Year! Shiner got a few NEW things for Christmas, including this tennis ball toy with a handle attached to it. 

The first thing she did with her NEW toy was detach the handle from the tennis ball. As I am typing this out, she's working on de-fuzzing the ball. It won't stay NEW for long! So this is my first photo submission for the 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge. 

In other news, Monday I picked up some medicine for Shiner that her dogtor prescribed. She has an ear infection as well as a bacterial infection in between her toes. 

She has been taking antibiotics and steroids for almost a week now and is doing well. Aside from the steroids making her want to drink, eat, and pee constantly, she's doing OK. 

Yesterday, the weather was nice after a few days of being very rainy and cold. Shiner enjoyed some nice warm sunshine and had a long play session outside after a walk. 

Shiner is totally not a fan of cold weather, but I have a feeling our warmer weather may not last for much longer. She is trying to enjoy the sunshine as much as possible!

That's about it for our week in photos. What about you? How is your first week of 2015 going? 


  1. Those are great pictures sweet Shiner and we hope you feel all better really soon.

  2. First week has gone very well must say, mind you I have been off. Nothing too new here. Hope Shiner is feeling 100% soon!

  3. Removing the handles and defuzzing is why we don't okay with toys with handles of tennis balls around here! It's not that we're afraid of things getting old, it's that we're afraid of things getting swallowed. Sunshine and fresh air help everyone feel better! Happy, happy new year and keep getting and staying well (that applies to mourning too.)

    1. Thanks Bethany :) I'm usually never worried Shiner will eat her toys. Seems as though she might have swallowed some tennis ball fuzz after hacking up some sort of hairball earlier today though.

  4. Great pictures of you Shiner! I love to de-fuzz tennis balls more than anything, maybe that's why I never get them anymore. Love Dolly

  5. Nice new ball...better take it outside and dirty it up a bit ;)

  6. Poor Shiner! I’d glad you’re joining the 52 Snapshots! I’m doing my best to visit everybuddy. That last pic is adorable!

  7. Great photos, Ann, I like this new feature, and I'm glad you're joining the challenge too. Shiner is a dog after our own hearts around here....detaching the handle and defuzzing the ball is the way my dogs think it's supposed to be done too! :)

    1. Everyone knows that handles don't belong on tennis balls, right?! ;)

  8. Shiner, I bet that's the funnest part of getting a new toy, defuzzing and detaching. :)

    How nice that you got some sunshine and a good play session & walk. I hope the infections clear up soon!

  9. I hope Shiner is feeling better soon! Delia likes to de-fuzz her tennis balls, too. She starts by pulling a bit loose and uses it as a "handle" to toss the ball around for a few days, then finishes de-fuzzing. It seems to be a lot of fun.

  10. Oh we've seen that de-fuzzing with every tennis ball! Hope Shiner's infections are clearing up.

  11. So glad you're joining us this year! Hope Shiner is feeling better by now!


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